Contact Us

For additional information about Imua Outrigger Canoe Club please fill out the form below.

    • Honorary Chairman of the Board: Lysanne Sebastian
    • Co-President: Bill O’Rourke and Lynn Eckweiler
    • Vice President: Preston Strait
    • Treasurer: Alyse Banales
    • Secretary: Kim Fernandez
    • SCORA Representative: Jerry Kappel
    • Co-Equipment Manager: Nico Banales & Rick Sebastian
    • Head Coach: TBA
    • Novice Coach: TBA

If you are interested in racing outrigger canoes
with Iuma Outrigger Canoe Club, we welcome those new to the sport (Novice) to tryout the sport each Feburary.  Open Padder practice begins April of each year.

We Would Like to Hear from You
Interested in joining our team or have a message for the Imua board and coaches?
Please send us an email by completing the form below.

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